Sunday, April 18, 2010

Astrosaurs - The Hatching Horror

This book is about space Dinosaurs and a captain named Teggs. He is the Commander of the DSS Sauro pod. They are beginnng their journey to a planet called Platus Two. What they don't know is that there are other Dinosaurs on Platus Two trying to get the eggs from their friends. They thought that the things squirting lava were geysers, but the planet they are standing on is not really a planet, it is a egg!
The geysers are really blasting egg yolk, so Teggs cries out "back to the ship", but the engine wasn't working. They then waited until the egg exploded with a big boom!
The egg cracked and they went flying out to space. The thing that was inside of the egg was a Star Dragon . Teggs named it Jurassic, it went flying off to find a new planet to for them all to live on.