Sunday, March 28, 2010

Geronimo Stilton - Paws Off Cheddarface!

This story is about a young mouse called Geronimo Stilton . He keeps getting told off by other mice for things he hasn't done. This is because there is a another mouse in New Mouse City that looks like Geronimo Stilton. Geronimo needs to find his lookalike before he gets in to real big trouble. Is Sally Ratmousen the one behind all this ? She is trying to take over the Rodent's Gazette! Then Sally Ratmousen takes over the Rodent's Gazette. Geronimo has a plan of his own, he is going to play the same trick on Sally. Geronimo gets a Sally lookalike named Trap. Trap tries to help Geronimo to get the Gazette back.They drive to the Rodent's Gazette so Trap can sign a form saying that Sally will give back the Rodent's Gazette to Geronimo Stilton. So Geronimo is working back at the Rodent's Gazette and Sally is back at the Daily Rat.