Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bakugan , Party Crashes

This book is about a small ball that changes in to a sea creature like monster he is called Preyas. "It was a beautiful morning" Preyas said , until a raven swooped down and grabbed Preyas he yelled '' Let go of me you monster"
Next minute Preyas ended up on a person called Marucho's house. Mareco was on his computer speaking with his friends Dan, Julie, Rucho and Alice. He was saying about his Brand new house, that Dan was wondering about. Marucho's Mum and Dad said that he is aloud to invite some friends so invited Dan and Julie. Half a hour later Dan and Julie arived Marucho came rushing outside he said I will give you a tour around the new house. They went inside it was sooooo big they went into a room with a giant computer and TV they turned on the huge TV they were watching a show called Jenny and Jewels it was a show about pop. But they both were bored they wanted to play bakugan so they came to Maruchos house and they battle.

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