Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bakugan , Party Crashes

This book is about a small ball that changes in to a sea creature like monster he is called Preyas. "It was a beautiful morning" Preyas said , until a raven swooped down and grabbed Preyas he yelled '' Let go of me you monster"
Next minute Preyas ended up on a person called Marucho's house. Mareco was on his computer speaking with his friends Dan, Julie, Rucho and Alice. He was saying about his Brand new house, that Dan was wondering about. Marucho's Mum and Dad said that he is aloud to invite some friends so invited Dan and Julie. Half a hour later Dan and Julie arived Marucho came rushing outside he said I will give you a tour around the new house. They went inside it was sooooo big they went into a room with a giant computer and TV they turned on the huge TV they were watching a show called Jenny and Jewels it was a show about pop. But they both were bored they wanted to play bakugan so they came to Maruchos house and they battle.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Zac Power, High Risk

This Story is about a young agent named Zac. He works for the G.I.B. to solve mysteries. He has a car that can change into a rock.
His Grandfather is the leader of the G.I.B. and has a special mission for Zac. The Prince of the Hidden Kingdom has been kidnapped. It is up to Zac to save the Prince in time for the ceremony to be crowned King.
But Zac has to watch out for the white ninjas that have fast speed along snow and can camouflage. If they don't make it in time the next Prince will be crowned. The other Prince is going to make the Himalayas a city, everyone doesn't want the Himalayas to turn into a city.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent

Geronimo Stilton is a mouse that works at the Rodents Gazette he writes story's. For some shange reason there was a rodent that keeped following hem every where. Finally he cound't take it any more he opens the window and shouts " why are you following me everywhere i go" then the strange rodent say " don't you remember me Geronimo" Geronimo thought how was this guy. The strange rodent said his name my name Kornelius Von Kick Paw we were pals in kindergarten. Kornelius handed a photo to Geronimo.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Captain Underpants And The Invasion Of The Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies From Outer Space

This exciting story is about a mean old principal called Mr Krupp. He is one of the worst principal in the world. Mr Krupp's true identity is the worlds most greatest super hero of all time. There are two kids called George and Harold that help captain underpants. This is the zaniest and zombies adventure. Jerome Howitz Elementary School has a new lunch lady.. and she is nice infact she is a alien from out of space a shes on a mission. George and Harold worked together to over power the lunch lady leaving her no choice but to quit.

I think this is an awesome book and it is really funny.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Astrosaurs - The Hatching Horror

This book is about space Dinosaurs and a captain named Teggs. He is the Commander of the DSS Sauro pod. They are beginnng their journey to a planet called Platus Two. What they don't know is that there are other Dinosaurs on Platus Two trying to get the eggs from their friends. They thought that the things squirting lava were geysers, but the planet they are standing on is not really a planet, it is a egg!
The geysers are really blasting egg yolk, so Teggs cries out "back to the ship", but the engine wasn't working. They then waited until the egg exploded with a big boom!
The egg cracked and they went flying out to space. The thing that was inside of the egg was a Star Dragon . Teggs named it Jurassic, it went flying off to find a new planet to for them all to live on.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Geronimo Stilton - Paws Off Cheddarface!

This story is about a young mouse called Geronimo Stilton . He keeps getting told off by other mice for things he hasn't done. This is because there is a another mouse in New Mouse City that looks like Geronimo Stilton. Geronimo needs to find his lookalike before he gets in to real big trouble. Is Sally Ratmousen the one behind all this ? She is trying to take over the Rodent's Gazette! Then Sally Ratmousen takes over the Rodent's Gazette. Geronimo has a plan of his own, he is going to play the same trick on Sally. Geronimo gets a Sally lookalike named Trap. Trap tries to help Geronimo to get the Gazette back.They drive to the Rodent's Gazette so Trap can sign a form saying that Sally will give back the Rodent's Gazette to Geronimo Stilton. So Geronimo is working back at the Rodent's Gazette and Sally is back at the Daily Rat.